October 2019

Weekly News (October 30, 2019)

This week’s Interest Rate (43rd Week)   30 Y Rate: 3.750%/ 15 Year Rate:3.375%/ 10 Y Treasury: 1.833%/  Prime Rate:5.00% Ref IR: 1.75- 2.00%   “Edge” observation deck in Hudson Yard will open 3/11/2020 ( The Korea Times 10/29) The height is 1131 ft and located at 100th floor of the building and it’s protruding feature out of the building is unique.  The bottom of the deck is sold...

Weekly News (October 23, 2019)

This week’s Interest Rate (42nd Week) 30 Y Rate: 3.750%/ 15 Year Rate:3.375%/ 10 Y Treasury: 1.743%/  Prime Rate:5.00% Ref IR: 1.75- 2.00%   In Edgewater, NJ, apartment construction is under debate in town (The  Korea Daily  10/22) The developer, Daibes Enterprises is planning a 15 story apartment complex where there is the existing 2 story office building at 1000 Portside Dr. he new...

Weekly News (October 16, 2019)

This week’s Interest Rate (41st week)  30 Y Rate: 3.750%/ 15 Year Rate: 3.375%/ 10 Y Treasury: 1.727%/  Prime Rate: 5.00% Ref IR: 1.75- 2.00%   Contaminated Earth (1000 C.Y.) in Edgewater will be removed from this week (The  Korea Daily 10/16) It will take 5 days to remove 1000 cubic yard contaminated earth and debris at the Quanta project area at 115 River Rd, Edgewater.  Every day...

Weekly News (October 9, 2019)

This week’s Interest Rate (40th Week) 30 Y Rate: 3.625%/ 15 Year Rate:3.125%/ 10 Y Treasury: 1.551%/  Prime Rate:5.00% Ref IR: 1.75- 2.00%   New Jersey 300 school districts might be re-structured (The  Korea Times  10/9) The Governor Murphy announced that $10 M budget will be used to lead the New Efficiency Achievement Program (LEAP).  A part of this budget, $2 M might be dedicated to...

Weekly News (October 2, 2019)

This week’s Interest Rate (39th week) 30 Y Rate: 3.750%/ 15 Year Rate:3.375%/ 10 Y Treasury: 1.635%/  Prime Rate:5.00% Ref IR: 1.75- 2.00%   Pavement on 32nd street, Manhattan will be re-done  (The Korea Daily  9/30) K Town Chamber of Commerce and New York Korean Association had a meeting with Corey Johnson, speaker of NYC Council and Keith Powers (Dem. 4 District) to discuss the...

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