Special Topics

House Flooring Materials

Construction Materials House Flooring Materials Presented by Stephen Lee with CRI <Different House Flooring Materials> -Carpets -Solid Hardwood -Parquet Hardwood -Engineered Hardwood -Luxury Vinyl Plank -Luminated -Stone Tiles   Wall to Wall Carpet           Tufted Carpet – Using Tufting Guns Woven Carpet – A woven carpet is...

Overlooking RE Market in 2025

Market Trends Overlooking RE Market in 2025  Edited by Stephen Lee with CRI < Korea Times 1/3/25> 1. Uncertainty of Trump policy The house price rose for 17 month consecutively. First 100 days, tariff, tax cut, and immigration policy will be important to point the direction of RE market. Year end pent up demand will boost the sales depending on area. 2. Spring market might...

What is the Federal Reserve(Bank) System?

ECONOMIC KNOWLEDGE What is the Federal Reserve(Bank) System? Edited by Stephen Lee with CRI   1. Definition of the Federal Reserve System The central banking system of the U.S. of America, which is the most powerful economic institution in the U.S., perhaps the world. It was created on December 23, 1913, with the enactment of the Federal Reserve Act, signed by President Woodrow Wilson,...

Housing and Insurance

MARKET TREND SERIES “The Insurance Crisis Continues to Weigh on Homeowners”      Excerpted from JCHS/edited by Stephen Lee with CRI   A Study by Havard Joint Center for Housing Study Rising Home Prices and Homeowners Insurance Costs are Dual Affordability Stressors Insurance has grabbed headlines lately for good reason. As home prices remain elevated at historically high...

Roof Style and Materials

<Roof Style and Materials>   Roof Style Gabled Roof         Clipped Gable Roof       Dutch Gabled Roof         Gambrel Roof       Hip Roof         Mansard Roof         Shed...

Major kinds of Kitchen Countertops

Major kinds of Kitchen Countertops 1. Marble Countertops 2. Granite Countertops 3. Corian Countertops 4. Quartz Countertops 5. Concrete Countertops 6. Laminated(“Formica”) Countertops Kitchen Countertops Marble Countertop (대리석) Advantages - Enjoy natural texture Disadvantage - Hard to maintain. - Marble is porous and requires regular sealing, usually every 6 -12 months, to...

RE Consumer Protection Enhancement Act & Commission Structure (NY)

2024 RE Consumer Protection Enhancement Act In early July, Gov. Murphy signed Bill s3192/A4454, also known as the Real Estate Consumer Protection Enhancement Act, into law. The law, which goes into effect Aug. 1, 2024, strengthens both consumer and real estate licensee protections. The main provisions of the new law include but are not limited to the following new mandates and...

Recap of changes after NAR Settlement

Expected Changes in Transaction  MLS form change      - Local MLS firms will change the format       - No field for BA Com.   Seller Agent Commission      - It could be a half : Seller agent commission only      - Or, it could full commission including buyer agent commission    Buyer Agent’s Commission      - Tough negotiation with...

What will the Future Bring? (5/15/2024)

What will the Future Bring?     Pent-up demand, settlement agreement will be factors.        -  Home sales in 2023 were the worst in nearly 30 years. The micro-level reasons—owners locked into low mortgage rates, low inventory, and rising interest rates—explain the fall in sales.          -  But looking at the big picture, it makes less sense. Last year’s 4...

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