1. Palisades Park town appoints new police women, Natalia Kim
- ‘Natalia Kim’ graduated from Rutgers with Criminal Justice major
- Speaks 3 languages (Korean, English & Spanish)
- Will work as a traffic police
2. Samsung 837 becomes Landmark for NY (At 837 Washington Street)
- Samsung Marketing Center at Meatpacking District → ‘Digital Playground’
- Marketing Center → Digital Playground for public → Forbes praised as great Plan and Leader of IT industry
- New product/concept introduction, Customer / Clients invitation, IT technology education
- Forbes praises its presence as a leader in IT industries
- Exhibit 3 events among ‘Fashion, Technology, Food, Music, Sports, Health/Wellbeing, Arts, Entertainment’ for 7 days
3. Trump’s old house in Queens sold at $2.14Million
- 5Br, 5 bath, 2 floor Tudor house purchased at $1.39 Million 3 month ago by Michael Davis
- Sold at $2.14 Million → made 54% profit.
- Built in 1940 by Trump’s father (Fred Trump)
4. Bergen County gains 3.8% population for 2010 – 2016
- For last 6 years, Hudson County population increased by 6.9% → #1
- Bergen County increased by 3.8% → #2
- 9 Counties decreased population : Sussex County → 4.3% Down
- NJ (2010 – 2016) population increased by 1.7% to 8.94M
5. Garment District in Manhattan will be disappeared?
- EDC (Economy Development Center) announced the ordinances to lift the protection of garment district (5~9 Ave, 34~42 Street since 1987 → now decreased by 52%)
- In return, Brooklyn Army terminal in Sunset Park (50,000 sf) and Bus terminal (20,000 sf) will be open to garment business → $12-25 / sf for 5-10 years lease
- Korean owned garment business: 2,500 business → now 95% decreased to about 60 business
6. Let’s make NYC a next Silicon Valley
- Columbia University, NYU, Cornel University will concentrate STEM area
- Columbia: Manhattanville campus in West Harlem will be expanded/renovated ($6.3 Billion) → 450,000 SF center: Neuro-science center
- NYU: Tandon School of Engineering campus will be expanded($500 Million)→ Former MTA HQ building → 99 Year Ground lease → Remodeling for VR, Audio Research center, Public exhibition, etc. (1,100 students and 40 Faculty members.)
- Cornel University: Builds New Tech campus in Roosevelt Islands sponsored by NYC and Bloomberg (Former mayor) → 12 c lot, 2 Million sf → 2000 graduate students
- Looking for good connection with ‘Wall St’ for funding
7. Mortgage process is still hard
- One of reason of US slow economy
- House owning rate: 63.7% in 4th Quarter 2016 → Lowest for 50 years (69.2% in 2008)
- Long term Average in US → 65%
- Younger Generation is slow to move up
- Too tight bank control → Mortgage default rate : 5.1% in 3rd Quarter 2016 (12% in beginning of 2000)
- January, New construction sale: 550,000 (Yearly rate) in Jan → 3.7% Up CMT last month (5.5% Up CMT last year)
- Usually residential sales is good indicator of general economy → Primal indicator
8. Commercial loan amounts reduced
- According to RealDeal, 2016 Commercial Loan Amounts: $82 Billion → 17% Down ($99 Billion in 2015)
- Esp. Loan for residential apartment reduced to $29 Billion (23% Down)
- Reasons: 1.Over supply (Multi-family construction booming → Rent down, Concession up)
2. Warning to risky commercial loans
3. Assets over $50 Billion is subject to stress test by Dodd Frank law
9. No more same mistake when buying a house
- Two things: 1.Selecting house 2. Mortgage process → most important
- Survey answered out of 1400: ‘Experienced stress’ → 42% ‘Complicated’ → 32% would prepare more down payment → 27%, would buy bigger house → 20%, would shopping more mortgage company → 19% (28% feels that mortgage company treat them poorly)
- Mortgage rejection reasons → DTI issue: 52%, Credit score: 39%, Low income: 25%
10. Korea, Tong Young sells investment membership by New Star Realty
- Stanford Hotel Resort at Tong Young
- Condo membership at $50,000 per account → total 600 account → $30 Million
- 60 days use (About $60~$85 / night) or 4% profit return annually
- Process: Initial Deposit (10%) $5,000
1st Deposit(20%) $10,000 (After 15 days)
2nd Deposit(30%) $15,000 (After 15 days)
Balance(40%) $20,000 (After 15 days) - After 10 years, principle amount can be return fully
- C Land commission 5%: President Ahn at New Star Realty (201-294-4510)
11. 352 SF Super Mini House is real
- According to USA Today, 352 SF becomes hot item this summer
- Price: $139,000 – Bed room, Living room w/ Patio, Kitchen, Bath room
- Home automation: lights, audio/video system can be controlled by remote
- Designed by Prof. Jeff Wilson who lived for 1 year inside waste can (33 SF) in 2014
- This concept makes possible for a movable assembly house